Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Easter Wubbiss

We took the Wubby J. to the vet's yesterday for a couple shots. He was such a good boy! Yes, he was! He didn't hiss, scratch or bite anybody. He was shaking in the waiting room, and he tried to hide behind J during his checkup, but other than that, he was a real trouper. The poor little guy must be sore from his shots today though, because he's not his usual, attack-every-ankle-that-goes-by self. But I am fully confident he'll be back in fighting form in no time.

We've had a good Easter so far. We had breakfast with my in-laws this morning, and that was much fun. It makes my heart hurt a little to not see my nephews hunt for eggs, but I'm trying to keep the ol' chin up. At least this way I'm not tempted to steal their jelly beans from them. Because I'm not above that emotion, believe me.


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