Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wiggity wiggity whack

I was walking into the kitchen last night carrying a big ol' pile of clothes to be washed, and as I passed J in the computer room, I let out a strangled-sounding cough for some reason. So J asked me "What are you choking on?" and I replied "Indignity!"

Ahhh, I just had my first sip of coffee for the day. I put in some extra sugar just for the heck of it. Well, actually, I'm using Splenda, not sugar. It takes away some of the guilt because I generally don't like coffee unless it's got about 5 sugar packets in it, so the diet stuff eases my conscience. But anybody who says Splenda tastes just like sugar is on crack. My email spam keeps trying to tell me Splenda is the sweetener of the devil, and I don't buy that at all, but it's not the same as sugar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Splenda, too! Now, good ol' fashioned sugar tastes funny in my coffee, isn't that sad?

3:57 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Oooh, I know. It's like when you're used to drinking Diet Coke, then you have a regular one, and it's a total shock to the system.
I do like Splenda, I do. It's waaay better than other artificial sweeteners. I guess I'm being a brat because I want something that tastes just like sugar but with no calories.

4:02 PM  

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