Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'll be asleep by 7:30 tonight, guaranteed

We're about to head over to Dayton for Mother's Day, and I'm already worn out. I stayed up too late playing poker last night at the in-laws' (I won a couple hands but I eventually revealed that I had no idea what I was doing...the illusion was nice while it lasted) and then I had to get up at 6 this morning. I've already showered, dressed, grocery shopped, filled up the car with gas and gotten breakfast at McDonald's, and it's only 8:30. Wow. I'm very, very excited to see the family though. We're going to have lunch with Mom then head over to my sister's to see the new baby, both my sisters and their families. I'm quite curious to see how the 2-year-old nephews are around the new baby. Nephew #2 is so high energy that I fear he's going to try to stuff his little brother into the DVD player at some point. And he'll mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.


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