Thursday, June 22, 2006

Oh, no, you didn't!

It was another fun-filled night of Springer-esque drama on our street last night. About 10:30, we heard a woman screaming bloody murder outside, so we jumped up, opened the door, and saw a girl driving down our street, screaming out her car window at a guy who was following her on foot down the middle of the road. That went on for a minute or two, then she finally drove away. Of course, it didn't end there. A minute later, she drove back, parked in front of our house and started slapping the guy who had been following her. Then she ran across the street and started screaming at a different guy. Apparently, he was her boyfriend, and he'd been cheating and she'd just found out. J told me that's what it sounded like they were saying...I couldn't make out a single word because it just sounded like screeching to me. But they finally stopped fighting without coming to blows (which, I have to admit, I was shocked about...usually when this happens on our street, at the very least a car gets a good beating). It was just so silly on so many levels. These kids are probably, I don't know, 19 or 20 years old. Shouldn't they be eating Doritos and watching The O.C.?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is drama in Collegeville, PA as well...
last night, 2 cop cars and an ambulance showed up in front of our neighbor's house (the ones we don't like)- no sirens, no lights, mike just happened to look out and see them. 2 cops come out of the house with the husband- no handcuffs, no force- the husband has a small suitcase with him and another small bag, puts his bags in the trunk of the one cop car and gets into the front passenger seat. Ambulance drives off and a few minutes later the 2 cop cars drive off. Everyone else in the house is accounted for, so no one was in the ambulance, the wife didn't look upset or distraught that her husband just left with the cops. What the heck?????

11:15 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Katie, that definitely sounds like a domestic disturbance. And if the wife called the cops, she may have been mad enough to not be real upset to see him leave. That's freaky though!

Did I tell you guys how a couple weeks ago, two people were shot to death sitting in a car that was parked just a few blocks up from us? Nice, huh?

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord Ann! Get out of that neighborhood!

There are several weird things about our event that is making it hard for us to figure out what it was..
1. Ambulance
2. Suitcase
3. no cuffs
4. sitting in the front of the cop car

Mike's working at home today and he keeps taking the dog out in hopes of catching someone outside so he can get the scoop!

12:59 PM  

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