Thursday, August 03, 2006


I was at Kroger the other night picking up my usual mid-week essentials: paper towels, milk, Twizzlers, etc.... When I was in the parking lot putting my bags away, I heard a car pull up behind mine in the aisle, music blaring, so I turned around to look, and all of a sudden, a girl hops out of the passenger side and runs to the driver's side. And she was wearing a bikini. No sarong, shorts or shoes, just a plain black bikini. A boy jumped out of the driver's side and got in on the passenger side, so I assume they had to switch drivers for some reason. But I still can't make sense of driving around town in a bikini. Is it THAT hot out there? Are we all just going to start driving nude now? Cause I really don't think that sounds very comfortable. And, girl, if you just came from the pool and your bathing suit's wet, you are just asking for a yeast infection. I don't like to think of myself as a prude, but I won't even wear sweatpants to Target, much less drive around town in what basically amounts to underwear in terms of coverage. I feel so old. It's like I used to identify with Anne in Anne of Green Gables, but I think now I'm gettin to be like old, sour Mrs. Pringle. Fantastic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often wonder how I am ever going to convince my daughter not to dress like a whore when that's all you see these days...

10:24 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I'm really hoping that by the time our kids are teenagers, the pendulum will have swung back to more modest dressing. Baggy was cool when I was in middle school, so I'm aiming for a resurgence of jams, oversize polos and relaxed jeans. Heh.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good theory. I'm going to cling to that! Years later when I was throwing out all my old clothes, some of my middle school clothes were STILL really big on me... if I only knew then that THAT was the skinniest I'd ever be, perhaps I wouldn't have dressed like that!

11:45 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know. It's kind of a shame you can't keep that 7th grade metabolism forever. Sigh. But I'm still glad I wasn't dressed like a hooker at 13. Heck, my Mom got mad at me the first time I wore a tank top with spaghetti straps...and I was 23!

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It IS so scary what you see girls wearing now and I do feel old but come on, it is just trashy! I would not have been allowed out of the house in what I see! Never mind that I didn't have the figure for it, but I am about ready for the really low rise pants fad to pass...

4:04 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Have you ever ordered a pair of pants or jeans online and then gotten them in the mail, only to discover the rise is about 3 inches total? So irritating. You can't even bend over in pants like that and they require a whole different kind of underpants. What a pain.

4:27 PM  

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