Friday, July 28, 2006

Geri Halliwell had a point

My older sister sent out the invitation for our family's annual Fantasy Football league. Yes! Last year, I named my team the "Shrieking Eels." This year, I went with "Explosive Diarrhea." I crack myself up.

J and I were having an interesting conversation yesterday about young girls and why they're so stupid about boys. Honestly, why is it that 80% of girls date losers, idiots and creeps in their teens and 20's before they figure out the advantages of decent men? And I'm including myself in this, don't get me wrong. It seems to be some natural rite of passage. But what disturbs me is when I see a lovely, smart young girl who (for whatever reason) actually seems to be afraid of being without a boyfriend. I fear very much for any girl who believes she is incapable of being by herself, because that seems to be the dividing line between learning a valuable lesson and getting caught up in a destructive pattern in your life. And all I can figure is that these girls don't feel smart enough, strong enough or independent enough to know that if a guy cheats on you or abuses you at that young age, you leave him. I don't want to name names, but I've been seeing this in a young girl I know, and it worries me a lot. Anyway, I'll just keep hoping that one day she'll see her potential, finish college and whack this guy in the nuts with her diploma as she leaves the graduation stage. And I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting names girl!
you crack me up as well! :-p

Abuse should not be taken in any form. I agree with A's assessment wholeheartily!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

The Uhlisa is very wise. I just hope this girl gets there one day, too.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who dated a creep in high school I believe that in some ways it is a "life lesson." You learn so much about what you don't want in life.

3:37 PM  

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