Thursday, May 10, 2007

Help me help you

I keep reading these interviews with the producers of Lost, and they insist over and over that they will be providing answers in these next few episodes, that we'll learn a lot about the island, etc.... Well, I hope this is all making sense to somebody because I still have no idea what's going on anymore. What the heck was with invisible Jacob? And now it's revealed that the "hostiles" and Ben killed the Dharma Initiative people, but who are the hostiles? And why hasn't Richard aged in 30 years? Argh! Poor Locke though. I sort of had this feeling that his time on the island was getting short, but that was a rough way to go. And I'll just come out and admit it that the couple times they showed Ben's mother, I jumped out of my skin like a sissy girl. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I just keep hoping that at some point all of these bizarre events will start making sense. I feel confused enough in everyday life; I really don't need tv to drive that point home at night, too, thank you very much.


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