Lint licker!
Was it just me or did Sylar seem to give up pretty easy last night? I was figuring the good guys were going to have to whomp on him for a good twenty minutes at least, but then Hiro pops up with his sword, runs him through and that was that. It was easy...almost too easy. But I liked the end with Nathan and Peter. I was also hoping that Hiro was going to face the big dinosaur in the beginning of volume two, but I guess we'll have to wait for that. I guess in terms of historical accuracy, you can't just throw a T. Rex in the middle of Japan in the 17th century without getting some angry letters from viewers. Unless it was Godzilla. Oooh, that would be cool.
Yeah, and I also slept for less than 4 hours last night. I am taking a sleeping pill at 7 tonight. I don't even care anymore.
Yeah, and I also slept for less than 4 hours last night. I am taking a sleeping pill at 7 tonight. I don't even care anymore.
I love that "link licker" commercial. That cracks me up.
At the end of Heroes they focused on the trail of blood to the manhole cover and I swore a finger came up out of it. I need to watch the end again.
I'm sorry you didn't sleep well last night. A sleeping pill sounds like a good idea.
Oooh, I didn't catch that about the finger. Intriguing! I just read online that Sylar is going to be a series regular next year. I guess he'll be the bad guy for a while.
I thought the end of Heroes was kinda cheesy... Here we are, all of the heroes in the same place at the same time and we are going to defeat Sylar and stop the bomb together! And I was having flashbacks to superman with Nathan and Peter- didn't Superman take a nuclear misile into space or something like that?
I sort of wish they'd made it 2 hours or a 2-parter so that fight scene with Sylar could have been longer. I think it would have seemed a lot less cheesy and thrown together that way.
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