Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Roll your eyes at me, I'll roll your little head

So we had our first childbirth class last night. It was very informative. The teacher went over basic stuff like dilation, effacement, contractions, the importance of our perineum, and then we did some relaxation exercises. I think next week we're going to be talking more about breathing and the details about delivery and such. I'm really glad we're going to these classes because I already feel like I know more than I did, but, man, I started hyperventilating when she was going over the stages of labor. It's a little overwhelming to think I'm going to be in pain for 8 to 10 hours. I'm not so hot with pain. My favorite part is definitely when it ends, so that seems like a long time to wait. But at one point during that period where I was starting to freak out about labor and delivery, I looked over at J thinking he'd be stunned by all this we were learning about birth, and there he is, sitting in his chair, yawning and fighting to keep his eyes open. I wanted to simultaneously laugh and punch him in the eye for being male.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does J seem to have the attitude that you are going to have the baby on your due date and everything will go like clockwork? That's how Mike was and that's how my friend's husband is... men!

8:29 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I am laughing so hard! For most of our childbirth class, I was pretty bored and the ONE class we missed was the one they went over how to give your baby a bath! I was so mad b/c breathing I could do, bathing my wiggly 7lb baby? Not really. :) Advice: bathe your little one in the kitchen sink...much easier than the bathtub when they are tiny! :) You'll be fine and save your cursing at J for the delivery room and ask for the epidural early!

8:32 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Oh yeah, J is all "Everything's going to be fine, you'll do great, no big whoo." And I'm picturing us stuck in a snowstorm in the truck and me having to do this without any drugs at all. Gah.

I'll remember that about the sink, too! It seems like it would be easier standing up than leaning over the tub at least in the beginning. I've got weak knees, you know.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mistake was drinking water while reading the words, "the importance of our perineum". I've always wondered if I'd be good at the spit take. I am.

Don't you get to kick J in the crotch once this is over? Just one swift kick as a kind of payback? Of course not so hard that you won't be able to have more kids.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second the epidural early! It took an hour and a half to get mine after I asked for it. By that time it was almost too late. Ask for it at registration...it'll save time ;)

9:48 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

DO I get to kick J in the crotch when this is all over?!? Cause that would be fantastic!!

I mailed in my OB pre-registration form to the hospital the other day. I should have written across the top "GIMME DrUgs!" in highlighter.

9:52 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I tried to get the epidural in month 7 but, for some reason, my OB/GYN said no. :)

1:44 PM  

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