Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Macho Macho Cat

This is how I'm feeling today:

In the shower this morning I started thinking about an unpleasant work situation, so that bummed me out, but then my Grape Nuts cheered me up until I walked outside and discovered it was all gray and damp outside. It's ironic to me that I'd be affected by gray, rainy weather considering I work in a concrete block office that is entirely decorated in gray, but maybe the combined effect is what's getting to me today. I have this plan that once my current boss retires, I'm going to paint this place lavendar, put about two dozen disco balls on the ceiling and then install a lighted floor, so I can get a real funky, retro, Saturday Night Fever vibe going on. I'll even spring for the paint and the disco balls. I just need the college to write off the lighted floor as a slide-viewing expense. Does that technically count as embezzlement?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be so freaking cool if you could get them to install a lighted floor. It's totally normal to be affected by the weather.

PS-I love that pic of Wubby!

8:56 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

The weather totally affects me! And, I just read something the other day online about how the shorter days (i.e. less sunlight) could be the reason we are all grumpy! :) I am going to try telling my clients that when they call me to complain! ;)

9:04 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Heh, that would be great if you could tell these callers "Look, you're going to have to call me back in the spring when the days are longer." I think bears really have the right idea with this whole hibernation thing.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a lighted floor in an argyle pattern? That would rule.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of the argyle. That'd be so cool! You should do it.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what Wubby thinks of J jr!

12:33 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

We're hoping Wubby is mature enough at this point (he's 7 years old) that it doesn't phase him too much. He's mostly terrified of anybody under 4 feet tall to begin with, so I'm guessing he'll pretty much keep his distance.

12:49 PM  

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