Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mama needs a gold watch!

I'm curious to know what other people think about an issue that, for some reason, has come up a lot recently. And that is: women having two baby showers. Now, I'm not talking about when a woman has a kid or two then ten years later gets pregnant again. I can totally understand why you might like another baby shower in that situation. But I've run across a few women lately who are having two baby showers and their children are only a few years apart. Does that seem odd to anybody else? I always thought you got one baby shower and then for your next kids, you already had most of what you need, so you just go out and buy new diapers and bottles yourself. Huh.

I'm very happy that the weather's finally cooling off. It was in the 90's for the past few days, but the high today is only 61, so it's sooooo much more comfortable out there. If I had any more really hot days, I was just going to start wearing a muumuu and sitting on my porch all day yelling at passersby to bring me orange push pops. Everybody else on our street does it. I don't know why I feel so bound to rules like wearing pants with zippers, speaking in a quiet voice and staying sober in front of children. I'm apparently quite the wet blanket.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought about how many showers people have. If you get re-married, do you have another bridal shower? It does seem a bit greedy to have a shower per kid.

I'm glad your weather is going back to normal. And yes, you are the Hilltonia wet blanket. But wear that wet blanket with pride.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

It's funny how modern life is changing the rules on the showers and things like that. Back in the day when you got married once and that was it, people didn't have to worry about these things. I don't know...having a second bridal shower sounds fine, but doing another entire registry seems kind of greedy, too.

9:09 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

Don't even get me started! I think it is rather tacky to have baby showers for your 2nd baby and wedding showers for a 2nd wedding...but, I think going all out with a white dress, etc. for your 2nd wedding is tacky...remind me to tell you about 2 people i work with and their recent wedding...let's just say their website suggested guests contribute to their honeymoon if they couldn't think of a gift!!!

9:09 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

No, they didn't!!! Wedding invitations that say things like that make me want to put $1.75 in a card and leave it at that. Check this out--I heard of one girl who had a baby shower for her first kid and then sold all his toys and gear when he was about 3 because she needed the money, then she had another kid and asked everybody to buy her the same things again. Tacky!!

9:19 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

P.S. and it was the bride's second wedding!

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the baby shower, I think it might be ok if your family wanted to throw you a small shower more for the social aspects than for the gifts, but I think it would be inappropriate to make another huge registry!
As for the wedding shower, again, I think it is ok if the brides close friends and family want to have a small shower for her, but I don't think there is a need for all new China etc.

Ann, I'm sure you would have said- any word on your test?

9:44 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

No word on the test at all. I'm going to call them right now and leave a message. I don't care if they think I'm nagging them. The suspense is awful.

Yeah, I can see having a fun little "bachelorette" party for a woman's second wedding. The social aspect of those are so much fun. But asking for all new stuff just because you want it and don't need it seems so declasse.

Oooh, and have you ever given a gift at a wedding and never gotten a thank you note? That bugs me, too.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Katie. You can have a party in both cases but don't register for it.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thank you note thing has happened several times with me... maybe I'm just psycho about sending thank you notes, but it really irks me when someone does not send one!

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If friends want to throw you a shower, rock on! I'm always up for a free party, but it shouldn't be expected, for #1 or #9.

At my cousin's baby shower, they passed around thank-you card envelopes while she opened gifts so the guests could address them for her. It really helped her out, and several showers I've been to since have done the same.

11:12 AM  
Blogger JLR said...

Having your friends and family willingly (and being their own idea) throw you a shower (baby or wedding) is one thing (which I would never feel comfortable), but deciding ON YOUR OWN that you're going to register (and especially for major things you should already have) and expect people to buy you things AGAIN, is tacky and greedy.

Can you tell I know someone who has done this? Ha!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

It really does depend so much on the attitude of the recipient. People who come off selfish and greedy always make me want to give or do less for them.

I just can't believe people get pregnant without having the money to support their children. I mean, it's hard enough to tell them they can't have an do you explain they have to reuse yesterday's diaper? Ick.

1:39 PM  

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