Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm a gummi bear racist--I like the white ones the best

I'm going to stop pretending and just admit that I have no idea the difference between Ciara and Rhiannon. To me, they are interchangeable.

So we watched Heroes last night, and I'm happy to report that I'm right back where I was when last season ended: completely lost. Heh. It's just that so much happens in every episode that I have a tendency to forget where I am. Had we already seen Maja and Alejandro, or were they completely new? I don't remember them, but it's entirely possible I missed 'em somewhere along the line. It was interesting that both Nathan and Matt lost their wives, too. I can't say I'm going to miss either one--they were just more characters whose names I forgot. Anyway, I'm excited to watch the new House tonight. That show pretty consistently cracks me up. It's nice to live vicariously through a character who isn't afraid to tell people they're idiots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We recorded Heroes but have not watched it yet. Mike and I are on the fence with that one b/c there is sooo much going on and last year they seemed to take a lot of breaks and never did a recap show. At least Lost has the decency to run recap shows when they've been on break.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I totally could have used a Heroes recap show. I was very lost in a lot of places last night. It was still fun to watch, though, so you guys should give it a try. I'm actually glad they got rid of a few characters over the break. It was getting seriously confusing.

11:09 AM  

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