Monday, September 17, 2007

Because of your actions, you scorpion woman!

It was a good football weekend for me. The Browns, Buckeyes and Gamecocks all won. Sweet! I may have overdone the football watching, however. When you start telling your husband that he needs to "execute fundamentals" when he's taking out the trash, you've crossed a line. But he doesn't pay as much attention to football as I do, so he just chalks it up to me talking weird again. Which is true, too.

I didn't watch much of the Emmys last night. Mostly because Ryan Seacrest was getting on my nerves. One day that dude is going to go missing, and it'll turn out he got lodged up some star's hiney. What a suckup. Ugh. I did see Katherine Heigl win an Emmy, and I thought her reaction of saying "S*^&" was incredibly classy and charming. Seriously, what is wrong with people? If I ever even said "damn," my Mom gave me dirty looks. Now we've got Sally Field yelling "G*"d#!%" on live awards shows. Next thing you know, Dane Cook will be picking his nose at the Oscars. Fantastic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was listening to the announcers during the Houston/Carolina game yesterday and was wondering if these guys actually *know* what they're saying. Half the time it's just to hear themselves talk.

I know I'm in the minority here but Seacrest doesn't bug me all that much. I was wondering why the Emmys seemed kind of edited. People do seem to forget they're on live TV.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

It may not be Seacrest as much as that whole atmosphere of Hollywood patting itself on the back that annoys me. Seriously, what has the cast of Grey's Anatomy done that warrants five minutes of applause? My short attention span can't take it.

Yeah, those football announcers are pretty irritating sometimes, too. Brent Musburger's the worst. He's always saying whatever team's he's watching is "the best in the country" but he says that about a different team every week. Idiot.

8:52 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I thought it was hilarious that Katherine Heigl corrected the pronunciation of her last name! After he acceptance speech, though, she bugs was almost like she was saying, "well finally you see how fabulous i am." I always enjoy seeing what people wear and Ryan Seacrest bugs the crap out of me.
As far as football announcers go, my love is for Todd Ellis, who announces the USC games on the radio...he works in the building next to the Columbia mus of art, so I used to see him a lot. Kenny saw him at lunch one day and got him to autograph a napkin for me. :)
sorry for the long comment!!

11:08 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

No, no, comment away! Yeah, I'm starting to think Katherine Heigl might have something of a big head. Maybe she's been in the business so long, her mind is just warped.

1:30 PM  

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