Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Everything's coming up roses

I did a lot of sleeping and watched a lot of football last night, so I'm feeling much improved today. Phew! I got one of those short but powerful naps after dinner last night, and that made a huge difference in how I felt. The brain really amazes me sometimes. It can be sleep-deprived and exhausted, but one little power nap can recharge it for hours. I wish my cell phone battery was that efficient. Did you know, however, that if a person is deprived of REM sleep long enough, they can actually go crazy? It's true. They've done studies where they hook subjects up to sleep monitors and let them sleep but wake them up when they're going into the REM phase, and after a few days of that, the people start to hallucinate and think they're Ethel Merman. Tragic. So the lesson here is that we all need to try to dream at night or we're going to turn into a population of hammy show tune singers. Nooooo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to do my Ethel Merman for you sometime.

I'm soooo glad to hear you got decent sleep last night.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Me, too, believe me. I feel so much more alert and alive today. It's a nice change :)

9:12 AM  

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