Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Living with the polar bears

So check this out: our health insurance doesn't cover Prevacid. Jerks! My doctor prescribed it for me yesterday for my pregnancy heartburn, but the pharmacy said I couldn't get it. Now, I don't know if that means it would just be so sky-high expensive to buy it off the health plan that they didn't even bother to tell me what it would cost or what, but it was so annoying! The pharmacist said something about me not being old enough to be covered for this particular medication and I replied "But I'm pregnant." She was not moved by that argument. Apparently, if I was 55 and pregnant, then I could have it. Pfft. So I'll have to call my doctor today and see if there's something else I can try that the insurance will actually cover. I hate to sound like a broken record here, but the state of health insurance in this country is sucking more and more. Where we were once at a Hoover-like state of suckiness, I feel as though we are careening towards a black hole of suck that will turn the entire medical universe into dense anti-matter and wipe it out for good. And then I will move to Sweden.


Blogger BETH said...

Ugh, don't get me started on insurance. I just don't get how we can pay so much a month and still owe so much to the doctors, etc! I am sorry Prevacid isn't covered and the fact that the pharmacist told you weren't eligible b/c of your age is ridiculous. Ageism!! Take on the insurance company, Ann!!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Those suckers are going down! As soon as I can get rid of this heartburn! Ha!

11:27 AM  

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