Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I am a jelly donut!

Ahhh, politicians, those delightful scamps. I caught the news story today about the senator from Idaho who was arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover police officer in an airport bathroom. Classy. And this senator has apparently always been very anti-gay rights, so not only is it seedy, it's hypocritical, too. It's the one-two punch of political suicide! I don't know, I've said it before and I'll say it again, but there's just nothing about homosexuality that bothers me, so I don't know why politicians won't just be themselves on this issue. I guess I can understand that a lot of people (in fact, the majority of Americans, it seems) don't like giving homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have, and I shouldn't judge anybody for their misgivings because it would be a big change in society. But, I'm just saying, in my experience, I've been far more worried about some of the heterosexuals I've known than the homosexuals. Especially the gay kids I know here at school--they're always very polite, fun and responsible. The straight kids seem to be the ones who are out setting couches on fire and passing out in gutters on the weekends. But we might just have a lot of kooky kids here. It's hard to say.


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