Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Win one for the Zipper

So Claire's dad is going to get shot in the eye while she stands there making out with some dude, eh? The only positive I can think of in a scenario like that is that if you get shot in the eye, it must be a pretty painless death. I mean, it's not like you're going to last long after that one. The big downside? That you see it coming. Gah. I actually fell asleep for a long stretch in the middle of Heroes last night, so I didn't see everything that happened, but I am getting quite the kick out of seeing Mohinder and Matt take care of Molly. It's very My Two Dads, isn't it?

I'm so curious today to find out the results of my tests. I'm pretty sure they were also testing for anemia and a couple other things since they took so much blood yesterday, so I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with me. And, honestly, I'm still sort of holding out hope they'll tell me I have a gene mutation that will make childbirth completely painless. That would rule.


Blogger BETH said...

Any word from your dr about the test?

12:57 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Nope, nothing. I may have to just call on over there and ask if they've come back yet. Why is it that when I have a bill due, doctors call me all the time, but when I want the result of a test, I never hear a peep?

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember getting those tests done, and they would take like 3 syringes worth of blood. I think they do test for a couple different things. Unless there was something wrong, she would normally just wait till my next visit to tell me the results.

4:17 PM  

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