Thursday, November 01, 2007

Break me off a piece of that applesauce

Handing out candy was a lot of fun last night. We had a ton of kids come by, although this was the first year that we actually had candy left over. I believe we have about 10 rolls of Smarties left. I will take care of those no problem. My favorite costume was this adorable little 2-year-old girl who had on this pony outfit made out of lavendar velvet with sparkles. I don't know if she was supposed to be a My Little Pony, in particular, but she was just precious. I gave her a big Pixy Stix for being so cute. She couldn't even hold it. Of course, we had a bunch of vampires, ninjas, princesses and cheerleaders, too. No Care Bears this year though. Shame, that.

Oh, and I totally should have seen this coming, but I was still surprised that our wonderful new neighbors didn't hand out candy. Mind you, they sent out about a dozen kids including teenagers to go get candy, but the moms stayed home and hid in the house instead of giving any candy away. That is just so lame. And the one right next door even emerged around 7:30 to walk down to the corner store to get her cigarettes and Cheetos. I know exactly what it's like to live next door to Buckingham Palace. The similarities are eerie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your neighborhood is the BEST! It really is high class. I'd be willing to bet the Queen wouldn't hand out candy either.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

The girl next door and the Queen are really so alike. Cause the Queen only wears sweats, smokes like a chimney and yells obscenities in her driveway all day, too. It is so charming.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the post title :)

I have the rudest kids in my neighborhood, all trying to shove their hands in the candy bowl and then looking at me disapprovingly when I put only 1 piece of candy in their bag. You are basically begging people for food- take what you get!

Logan went trick or treating at my office yesterday :)

10:00 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

They actually got snotty about getting a free piece of candy?!? Brats. I can't believe they reached for the bowl either. You know, we actually did have a couple little ones who, even after we put the candy in their bag, stood there expecting more. So we'd say "That's it" and smile at them. I couldn't tell if they were really greedy or stupid.

Did you get pictures of Logan trick-or-treating?? Please say yes!

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA- we have some pics of Logan in costume in front of our house.

On the flip side, I did have a young girl tell me how much she liked our decorations, so she got 2 peices of candy:) We had 3 pre-teen boys do a dance to get more candy. And we had some kids that were too scared to come up to our house - our decorations weren't THAT scary...

10:22 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

That must have been a long night for the kids who were afraid to go up to the house. I suppose it's hard being an agoraphobic kid on Halloween. They probably got 5 pieces of candy and were completely exhausted afterwards.

11:08 AM  

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