Friday, November 02, 2007

I want to see you sweat cooking oil, Pork Chop!

Last night's Office was good, but I felt like I spent the whole half hour cringing on Jim's behalf. That conversation he had with Karen in her office was so awkward! See, this is why I used to stop acknowledging the existence of people I used to date. It was always much easier for me to pretend like they were never born than have to go through something like that. Sure, it's immature and stupid, but it was also effective. Ta ha! Take that!

So it turns out my OB nurse told me yesterday that because of some pain I'm having, I need to stay off my feet as much as I can for the next couple days. It's nothing serious, but it meant I had to go home last night and let J do everything while I laid on the couch. Honestly, it was cool for about five minutes and then I was starting to go crazy because of the immobility. Plus, J doesn't put bowls and cups away the same way I do. And he folds laundry different. I fear change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how those women who get put on total bed rest do it, but stay off your feet so you don't stress out J Jr!

9:16 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I think total bed rest would drive me out of my mind in less than a day. I guess they can do it because they love their babies, but, man, that's gotta suck.

9:27 AM  

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