Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I see salt, but is there a salt substitute?

I had all these grand plans to go home last night and finish the mystery I've been reading, watch a DVD I borrowed from a friend at work, bake a dozen cookies and decorate them in Byzantine-inspired Christmas designs, etc.... And what happened? I passed out at 7:30, slept until 10, then fell back asleep at midnight and woke up at 3. What happened to my evening? I swear, at 7:30, I took off my glasses and told myself "Ok, you're just going to sleep for 20 minutes so you can get some rest but still get things done tonight," and my brain was like "Ta ha! Think again, Exlax!" And the funny thing is that I suppose I could have gotten some stuff done between 10 and 12 or 3 and 6, but, dang, who wants to do anything at that time of night? Besides, I was too busy listening to the puppy cry in our neighbor's yard. Those people put their pit bull puppy out at night in the cold rain, let it cry for a good three hours and then finally let it in to the house when I get up to take a shower. What jerks. I hope that dog bites them when it gets older.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That poor dog!

Ann, take all the sleep you can get and do not question it!

10:08 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

This isn't the first time they've left that puppy out in a cold rain, but it didn't go on for three hours before. It was just so sad. I'm thinking about going to Walmart and buying it a doghouse and blanket for Christmas.

10:17 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

That poor dog!!!

I hope you can sleep better tonight!

2:48 PM  

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