Monday, December 03, 2007

Nothing says "I love you" like taking out the trash

Wow, it's cold outside! There was actually snow on the cars this morning, too, although I'm very glad that right now I'm living in Ohio and not upstate New York. I definitely don't feel emotionally prepared to deal with a foot of snow right now. I keep having these visions that I'll end up giving birth in the car during a snowstorm, so the more the weather wants to hold off until January, the more peaceful I'll feel. Can you imagine giving birth in a car? Could you ever resell it after that? That's going to take a lot of detailing.

I was watching my usual 18 hours of football this weekend and realized that there were an awful lot of jewelry commercials on there. Usually, you just get a lot of Coors Light and Chevy truck ads during the football season, but I suppose the jewelry stores are trying to get the men to spend their savings on diamonds for their wives or girlfriends this Christmas. And, you know, I love getting jewelry, but there's something kind of sad about letting a pair of earrings tell someone how you feel instead of just acting like it all year long. Or even just saying "I love you." Cause in every single one of these commercials, the man hands the woman the diamonds and doesn't say a word, but then the woman throws him this knowing look like "I love you, too." Excuse me while I hurl over the side of the couch here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't like those commercials either.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I'm also getting annoyed with Madison Avenue telling me I'm a nobody unless I own a $1000, flat-screen tv. Did you know I still use the 12-inch tv my dad gave me when I left for college back in '92? I'm such a fossil.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's impressive that your TV has lasted this long!

3:19 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

It's a good little tv! Never given me any problems...although it can't say the same for me after I snapped its antenna off.

3:38 PM  

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