Thursday, January 10, 2008


Yesterday was quite the howl fest here at home. Poor Lil J was just crying and crying all afternoon. I don't know what exactly was bothering him so much because we do try to not antagonize the child welfare people, so we keep him fed, burped and changed. My theory is that he was overly tired, whereas J thought he had gas. Could be both. I know I'm no fun when I'm tired and gassy. But I had this moment yesterday where my sweatpants got caught in the diaper genie, and I couldn't get them out, and I was trying to make sure Lil J wasn't about to fall off the changing table and he was so unhappy, and I immediately thought of that movie Baby Boom with Diane Keaton and how she just disintegrates taking care of that baby at a certain point. It rings so true now. I'm just glad I eventually worked my pants out of the diaper pail because I would have looked pretty silly hauling that thing around the rest of the day. How humiliating.


Blogger BETH said...

LOL! I actually watched Baby Boom in its entirety a few months ago and laughed out loud when she was learning how to take care of the baby! I did see it when i was younger but it wasn't as funny...much funnier when you can identify with her being so frazzled! It sounds like you are keeping your sense of humor which is key! :)

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once, in the early days, Logan projectile pooped while I was changing him. Now it was on the changing pad slowly coming back at him. Mike came to help me and as we were taking care of that, the washcloth slipped and Logan sprayed everywhere. So we put him on a towel on the floor until we could clean up the other messes and he turned to the side and yacked all over the carpet. We just laughed at that point.

If you don't already have some, get some Mylicon gas drops. Logan is a very gassy baby and they saved us on several occasions.

Also, I reccomend the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" - I wish I would have had it from the beginning!

9:27 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

My goodness, Logan was just a fountain of fluids that day, wasn't he? I totally get the frazzled mom thing now...I can only imagine what it's like to have more than one kid or toddler-age kids. Wow. It's no wonder my sister-in-law got gray hairs once she had her third kid.

12:59 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

YES, I agree with Katie, MYLICON!!!

4:01 PM  

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