Rubber ducky, you're the one
Part of me actually wants to tune in to watch American Gladiators tonight. Mostly because I saw in a commercial that one of the gladiators is a lady named "Hellga." That's right, Hellga with two L's. That is genius.
We need to give Lil J a bath tonight. He really does not like baths. In fact, he doesn't like it when we change his diapers either, which leads me to believe he's going to be a modest lad. And I'm all for that. I've seen those kids that like to run around their house naked, and I can only imagine the cleanup that must involve at times. Gah.
We need to give Lil J a bath tonight. He really does not like baths. In fact, he doesn't like it when we change his diapers either, which leads me to believe he's going to be a modest lad. And I'm all for that. I've seen those kids that like to run around their house naked, and I can only imagine the cleanup that must involve at times. Gah.
Ahh, a bath with a small, slippery and screaming baby. I remember it well. We ended up bathing EH in the kitchen sink b/c it was much easier to do it standing up at the sink than hunching over the tub. When she could sit up well, we got something like this: and it was wonderful. Ours was just the seat, didn't have the thing for parent to lean on. Worth every penny if you didn't get one already! Send pictures!
I think my mom did the kitchen sink thing too.
Hellga with two Ls is a great name. Did you watch it?
we still bathe Logan in a little tub in the kitchen sink. It came with a little hammock for newborns and he didn't like that very much. He likes it much more now that he actually sits in the water.
Lil J actually seemed to enjoy the bath last night. My sister gave me this "bath system" that has the hammock for newborns, but he definitely liked it best when we poured the warm water over him.
And I didn't get to see American Gladiators yet, dang it. But I will! Mark my words!
Leslie went to high school with one of the American Gladiators. I think her name is Siren. How crazy is that!
No way! Leslie knows Siren? She leads a much cooler life than I do. We watched some of American Gladiators tonight. It was a lot more fun than watching the BCS game. Ugh.
My friend had a preemie and this is what she suggested when I was having bathtime troubles. Helped for a little while. Maybe it'll help w/ Lil J.
"Swaddle Bath"
1 Thin receiving blanket, 1 regular receiving blanket, baby soap, bathtub with warm enough water, warm clothing, wash cloth, towels.
After you have the tub ready, undress your baby and wrap them in the thin receiving blanket in a loose swaddle, place them bottom first into the water. Wet the receiving blanket and the weight helps keep their limbs "contained". Untuck one limb at a time to wash and rinse, retuck once that limb is done. Start with limbs, trunk, bottom and privates. Once they are done,roll them on their side using your whole forearm to get them out of the bath and dry them. Swaddle in dry towel, and wash face and head. Dry and dress.
The swaddle bath works because the infant is contained and can't startle. Rolling them on their side when removing from the bath helps keep them calm. Wash head and face last because they loose the most heat through their heads. I also put the baby's clothing and towels in the dryer (on low) to help with heat loss.
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