Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I don't know...fly casual

Back when I was a teenager full of grandiose ideas, I told myself I'd never diet, wear makeup or be one of those parents who only talked about their kids. I'm 0 for 3!

Ok, and I don't want to get too political here, but this whole issue about Hillary Clinton and John McCain saying Barack Obama doesn't understand the blue collar worker like they do is total baloney. NONE of the Presidential hopefuls understands the blue collar worker. If they actually expect us to believe that any one of them bowls regularly whilst drinking Pabst and wearing John Deere tshirts, they are being patently ridiculous. Why oh why can't they just be honest and admit that they all look down on middle America? Politicians. This is why I gave up on ever wanting to be Governor of Ohio. I'm just not that good at kidding myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the hat!

I heard that Hillary's dad is from Scranton, PA and you know, there ain't no party like a Scranton party b/c a Scranton party don't stop!

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It'd be so refreshing to have a politician who was very honest about who they are and where they come from. I'm so tired of them saying what they think we want to hear.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know, I just wish they'd stop pretending. I'd love it if one of them said "Hi. I'm a Rhodes Scholar who's never eaten Taco Bell in my life. And I'm not going to start now."

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're completely right about politicians not relating to the common man. However, I think the problem with what Obama said was that it just didn't make sense. People who value religion or the right to bear arms aren't that way because they're economically disadvantaged. Those are often traditions passed down through generations. There's really no connection. My in-laws aren't poor, but they own guns.

Brian's mom told him that up in their parts (NE Ohio) people are actually starting to refer to Obama as the "Anti-Christ." While extreme, that's a HUGE problem for him if he's the Democratic nominee. Ohio is a must-win state.

(sorry for the long post, but you know how I am about politics!)

1:33 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I hear what you're saying about your inlaws. But I will say I've always found it interesting how some of the less wealthy people I've known have voted so conservative year after year. Instead of voting for a Democrat who might put in place economic programs for them, they will go for the anti-abortion Republican. Now, if that's what Obama was talking about, I get it. But I didn't hear the whole speech so I'm not sure.

1:48 PM  

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