That's "Dr. Jones" to you, doll
He's a superstar! I love the pictures of Lil J sleeping. I often wonder what he dreams about since he doesn't know about things like tornadoes, test anxiety or rock bands (there was a while there in high school when I kept dreaming I was Bono. I have no idea). But, whatever he's envisioning, it sure must be peaceful. He actually wakes up happy most mornings, too, so I bet it's something fun like floating on a cloud with a Panda and eating fluffernutters. Mmm...fluffernutters. I'm still keeping my peanut consumption to a minimum because of that whole peanut allergy thing, and it is no fun at all. I ate a Drumstick ice cream cone last night and was like "Sweet heavens to Betsy!"
What is a fluffernutter?
He is really just too cute. :)
Did you know the AAP has a new policy statement on food allergies?
Basically, here was a new study published in Pediatrics which says (among other things) that there's really no evidence that the mother eating the allergen during pregnancy or breastfeeding has any effect on the child's development of a food allergy. It also changes their policy on introduction of allergic foods. Which, by the way, is a little annoying, considering what a freak I was about introducing foods. ;-)
Here's the whole policy statement.
Of course, if your husband has a peanut allergy, I think all bets are off, so feel free to ignore.
Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I *still* don't give my kiddo anything with peanuts in it - I just have it stuck in my head that he shouldn't have it. :)
And for Beth, because I'm full of useful links today: All about fluffernutters. There's even a theme song.
I can't say I'm a fan, though.
Man! I just read that AAP abstract and now I'm annoyed that I avoided peanuts for so long! I could have been eating pb&j the whole time I was pregnant! Son of a triscuit. Yeah, J and I have minor allergies like hay fever but nothing serious like the peanut allergy. That's it. I'm going home for lunch today and eating a spoonful of Jif. I'm on fire!
Wow, there really IS a whole world out there about which I have no clue! I thought a fluffernutter was one of those orange-y spongy candies in the shape of a peanut..I was wrong! Thank you, jocelyn!
Ugh, Circus Peanuts. Worst. Candy. Ever.
Yes, circus peanuts are gross! And, licorice jellybeans!
True dat! When I was growing up, we always made my Dad eat the black jelly beans. Licorice candy. Makes me want to puke.
My grandmother LOVES circus peanuts. I think they're evil.
I went to school with a girl who ate fluffernutter sandwiches (on Wonder bread) every day for lunch. I think I had one in my youth and it was at her house. She was obsessed.
Boy, that girl's lunch was like the antithesis of a healthy meal. But, heck, when you're 7 you ought to be allowed a few fluffernutters.
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