Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm sailing!

Lil J rolled over from his stomach to his back again last night, and I'm still getting disproportionately excited about it. It's just so neat to see him doing new things. Man, the day he takes his first step, I'll probably go into convulsions.

I thought last night's Lost was interesting although not jaw-dropping. It was good to find out where Michael and Walt had been all this time, but I still wish we knew how they got rescued. But I can totally see why Michael's so stressed out--his girlfriend kept him from his son for years, then the Others kidnapped Walt, blackmailed Michael, basically forced him to betray his friends, and now he can't even kill himself. That poor guy has had a rough year. It almost got comical there the way nothing was going right for him. I believe if that was me, I'd just hole up in a Taco Bell and chilito myself to death. I just can't believe we have to wait until April 24th for a new episode. Sweet cracker sandwich.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was really glad to have them revisit Michael and Walt a bit. I'd still love to see a timeline that puts some of this stuff in order. I can figure it out but I don't want to have to think about it that much.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Heck, I can't even figure it out, so consider yourself lucky. It's kind of fun not knowing if the character is flashing back or forward, but it's also very confusing, too. One day when it's all over, we'll have to rent all the DVDs and watch them over so it'll all make sense.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for Lil J! I understand how exciting it is!

Logan just started crawling for real and I cried.

4:21 PM  

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