Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To all my homies in Bruges

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I was watching Jon & Kate Plus 8 last night, and I just couldn't stop staring at Kate's hair. I really don't understand that haircut. You know how it's smooth in the front and the back is all spiked up like she fell asleep in the car? But it's like that on purpose. I don't understand. It reminds me of a mullet--it's two haircuts in one and they don't go together. And, don't get me wrong, I think she's very pretty and she looks good in short hair, but I've seen that haircut around town here before, and I'm never going to comprehend it. So instead of just enjoying the show, I spent the entire half hour staring at her head. I'm so bad about this sort of thing. I constantly get distracted by minutae like that. I also look at people's eyebrows when I'm talking to them, and if someone has startlingly over- or under-plucked brows, I get completely preoccupied with it. God forbid I run into a man who waxes his eyebrows because I won't catch one word of what he's saying. All I hear in my head is "He waxes his eyebrows! He waxes his eyebrows!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How 'bout NO, you crazy Dutch bastard!"

Yeah, her hair really bugs me. There was a girl in high school with me that had that hairstyle and that was the early 90s. I didn't like it then either.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like it either, but knowing what it takes to take care of one baby... I can understand her wanting something easy to take care of, but still.

Did you ever see the episode where she got the plastic surgery?

1:26 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Was it the one to fix her belly after the sextuplets? I haven't seen it, but I saw it when she showed her belly one time. WOW.

1:45 PM  

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