We have a winner
It turns out Lil J does have the tracheomalacia. From what the doctors have said, it's a flimsiness in the windpipe because his throat cartilage (for whatever reason) didn't mature quick enough, so when he breathes, the windpipe collapses partially. The radiologist yesterday noticed it as he was doing the fluoroscopy, but we still need to talk to one of the doctors to find out about treatments. From what the internet tells me, he'll just have to grow out of it, but I'm hoping there's something we can do to make him more comfortable. The ER doctors said being on his belly would make it easier for him to breathe, and I noticed Lil J's been dive-bombing off my shoulder into the Super Baby flying position a lot lately, so I think even the baby noticed he feels better in that position. But I'm wondering if we should put him to sleep on his belly in the hopes he won't wake up gasping anymore. I'll have to ask the doctor.
At least you know what it is now! I know they say to put babies to sleep on their back, and I still do... but Logan immediately flips over on his belly to sleep and has for some time now. I also know another baby that had reflux so bad that the doctor told them very early on to let him sleep on his belly. But definitely check with the doc on this.
I just left a message with the pediatrician, so I hope I hear something before they leave for the weekend. That's interesting about the baby with the reflux--the ENT doctor at the hospital prescribed one of those anti-reflux meds for Lil J because he suspected he has that, too. Hmmmm.
From what I read on the net yesterday the tracheomalacia tends to go hand-in-hand with other congenital stuff like the reflux thing.
It really does stink that you need to wait for him to just grow out of it.
I am glad you know what's up! I am with Katie...as soon as EH could roll over, she would roll over and sleep on her belly...AND she slept better! She still sleeps on her tummy. Hang in there!
My kids where belly sleepers from the beginning. You're not a bad mom if you let your baby sleep on his/her belly. If the Dr. says it's okay, and will help Lil' J, it'll be better for everyone!!
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