There I was, there I was, in the Congo
I was driving into work this morning, and for some reason I started to wonder what Paris Hilton's husband will be like if she ever gets married. Two words came to mind: "dirt" and "bag."
We had a really good weekend. My Mom came into town on Saturday, so we took Lil J to Target. It had been months since I'd stepped foot in a Target since last time he cried the minute we got in the door. But he was very well-behaved on Saturday. My m.o. now is to feed him right before I go anywhere or attempt to do anything that even has a remote chance of upsetting him. Therapeutic feeding. Yep, I'm turning him into an emotional eater like Oprah. And then on Sunday we went to visit my side of the family. That was a hoot. Nephews 2, 3, 5 and 6 were there, so it was a blur of running, burping and squealing. Which, I imagine, will be like that until they're out of college.
And I want to wish Beth a happy belated birthday! You, my friend, do not look a day over 24. You people and your good genes...make me sick ;)
We had a really good weekend. My Mom came into town on Saturday, so we took Lil J to Target. It had been months since I'd stepped foot in a Target since last time he cried the minute we got in the door. But he was very well-behaved on Saturday. My m.o. now is to feed him right before I go anywhere or attempt to do anything that even has a remote chance of upsetting him. Therapeutic feeding. Yep, I'm turning him into an emotional eater like Oprah. And then on Sunday we went to visit my side of the family. That was a hoot. Nephews 2, 3, 5 and 6 were there, so it was a blur of running, burping and squealing. Which, I imagine, will be like that until they're out of college.
And I want to wish Beth a happy belated birthday! You, my friend, do not look a day over 24. You people and your good genes...make me sick ;)
Food must be the answer. At church, Logan started acting up b/c we weren't letting him crawl around, so I pulled out the Gerber puffs and all was well again- ha!
Heh. We have this thing, which is the Best. Invention. Ever. and we give it to Harrison at church, at the supermarket, and pretty much anywhere else he squawks when we want him to be quiet. I'm probably messing him all up by giving him food to keep him quiet, but I just try not to think about it too much. ;-)
Feeding before going anywhere is a good plan! Much easier to do that than find a place to feed him! :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes!!
Oooh, I'm going to have to get one of those Snack Trap things. That is brilliant! My Mom used to do this thing with us that I'm now realizing was genius--every time we went out someplace boring, she'd say that if we were good, she'd let us get one thing at the check-out counter. So I, of course, always picked a candy bar. And it worked like a charm. I wonder if some people would say she was spoiling us, but I seriously think it was what she had to do to keep 4 kids in line. The power of positive reinforcement.
Bribing works!!!! Don't be afraid to use it! :)
Amen! What's wrong with a little bribing anyway? I mean, really, isn't money what keeps us coming back to work every day? Capitalism itself is basically just bribery. Yeah, I said it.
Beth, when the heck was your birthday? Please don't say it was yesterday! Well happy belated from me too!
One Step Ahead has everything, don't they?
Happy Birthday Beth :)
We have snack traps and love them!! You can get them at Babies "R" Us. That's the only place I've seen real snack traps.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I turned 34 on Saturday, the 3rd. :) I celebrated by going to see "Baby Mama" with Kenny and writing a check to cover damages on a car I bumped in the parking lot at EH's school. Grrr....been driving for 18 yrs with no wreck or anything!
Dang, that's amazing you went 18 years without an accident. I think I had my first run-in (with an innocent mailbox) about 2 months after I got my license.
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