Thursday, April 17, 2008

All my friends know the low rider

One of my recent work assignments was to find images of historic American cars, and it turned out to be a pretty fun project. Oddly enough, I have developed an affinity for those massive, gas-guzzling sedans from the 70's. So much so that I'm seriously thinking about buying a Buick the next time I get a car. Which actually won't be for another year or two at least, but I really think I'm going to look for a car that has a trunk the size of my current car. Awww yeah. And I can rationalize that I'll need a bigger car because if J and I are lucky enough to have a second kid, we won't be able to fit two car seats into my little, 2-door coupe. And I don't like minivans or SUV's so I HAVE TO HAVE a boat. My SC homies might remember a brief period when I was driving my Grandpa's old Lumina. That didn't last long, but I distinctly remember how comfortable that car was. It was like driving a couch. Sweet.

I really hope I can stay up long enough tonight to watch 30 Rock and The Office. I doubt I will because I was asleep by 9 last night (seriously, it wasn't even fully dark out yet), but I'm going to give it the ol' college try. They just crack me up. "That's what she said!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rented that Grand Marquis when I was in SC once and that thing was a blast to drive. It's huge and comfy and I felt much safer. Plus I seem to remember we fit 7 in there quite comfortably. So you could have all the kids you want and they'd be fine.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I should totally get a Grand Marquis and then take my kids and all their friends to Sonic. I'd be the most popular mom ever!

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Das Bot! (spelling is proabably terribly wrong-oh well!).

That was the trip with the ridiculously small car (which was falling apart) on the way there and the giant car on the way home.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the one! I ended up with a third car on that trip. Katie, I felt badly for us because we didn't have a CD player on the way down. Didn't we make Ashley drive Das Boot (also probably wrong) one night? That's like making a ladybug drive a Barbie car. Whoa, that was a weird analogy.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok- ladybug? I don't doubt that I drove Das Boot- but I seriously can't remember! I'm used to driving huge honkin' cars- I drive the 12 passenger van here at LC. Talk about ladybug!

You'd be the most popular friend too- if you'd drive over here, and take me to a sonic! How fair is it, that we get the commercials, but the nearest one is 2 or 3 hrs. away!!!! That is SO wrong!

1:33 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

That is just plain cruel to show Sonic commercials when there isn't one within a 2-hour drive. That ought to be illegal. We've been talking about moving, and I actually thought about living in a neighborhood just to be close to a Sonic. That is a little crazy.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

It's Das Boot. (And hey! I finally found a use for that German degree!)

I briefly drove an early-70s Chevy Nova when I was in high school. It was electric blue, had dual exhaust, black leather interior, and got about 3 miles to the gallon. I LOVED that car. It was a loaner from the mechanic, who was working on my 1976 Honda Civic for like a month. Talk about contrasts...

And just to be clear, those cars were both OLD when I drove them. :)

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Ashley had to drive it and I think it may have been BECAUSE she had experience driving big cars ;)

That trip was quite the adventure.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do believe it was the combination of her prior experience along with our level of intoxication. That was a good trip.

10:41 AM  

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