Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Half a slice of dry toast and plain tea

J and I are back at work today. A little queasy, a little green under the gills, as it were, but we're here. Lil J is also improving. He still sounds a little croupy from time to time (especially right after he wakes up), but I think it's clearing up, as well. People, I just can't tell you how lucky I feel to be ingesting food again. All I had yesterday was a sandwich, two bowls of soup, half a bowl of cereal and some fruit salad, and I was GRATEFUL for that. Man. I can't remember being that sick in years. In fact, last time I remember having the flu like that was back in '02 when I moved from SC to Ohio and convinced myself I'd caught West Nile virus from the mosquitoes that lived in my trash cans. Everybody keeps saying to me "Well, you're never as sick as when you have kids" and "Wait until he gets into the petri dish known as elementary school." This completely frightens me. I'm too old and frail to get roseola or scarlet fever. I'm afraid I'd turn into Beth from Little Women and have to lie on a couch all day, wrapped in a blanket, wanting to play the piano. I don't even know how to play the piano!


Blogger BETH said...

Are you feeling better?? How is Lil J?

8:16 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

We're all still getting better. I wish Lil J didn't still have the croupy cough, but you can tell it's at least improving.

8:50 AM  

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