Harry Potter and the Sorter of My V-necks
It was a weird weekend: our cable went out on Saturday morning and hasn't come back on since. I'm so hooked on tv (or at least having it on in the background while I chase Lil J around the living room) that I really had no idea what to do with myself. I hadn't realized how dependent I am on Time Warner for my news. We don't get the newspaper, so I usually watch the morning news programs and then check on cnn.com throughout the day to see what's going on in the world. For a while there on Sunday when it was just me and Lil J at home, I started getting all paranoid that somebody had manipulated the measles virus to cure cancer, but it ran amok, wiping out 95% of the human population and I was about to be eaten by hairless, aggressive zombies. See, this is what happens when I can't at least check in with Wolf Blitzer to be sure that civilization is still intact. On the up side, however, I did get to watch several DVDs I've been wanting to see. Which was nice.
I actually got goosebumps when you said your cable went out and didn't come back. I tried living without cable once. Once.
I bet you were relieved to find out that there were no hairless, aggressive zombies around.
What DVDs did you watch?
My life truly is an empty shell without cable. That being said, we watched Harry Potter, Mission Impossible 3, some Star Wars and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "What an eccentric performance."
Was MI3 any good? I think the only reason I'd watch it is because of Simon Pegg. Would that make me a PeggHead?
"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
MI3 is the best MI movie they've made. That second one was awwwwwful.
"And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats."
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