Thursday, August 21, 2008

I cannot stress this enough: "brung" is not the past tense of "bring"

I think I'm going to take a short sabbatical from posting for the next few days because I fear that my "I'm so worn out, I could cry" mantra is getting old. And since I'm also exceptionally cranky right now, I can't even find the joy in making fun of celebrities, so I don't have much else to talk about. Pitiful.


Blogger BETH said...

I laughed out loud at your posting title! I feel like I am correcting people ALL DAY (in my mind, of course) and it gets old. Wow, that sounds bad, doesn't it? For ex, i was listening to a Charleston City Council member today on the radio and there were so many mistakes in his rant that I almost had to pull over. I should have just posted about that instead of taking up all this room in your comments! :)
Hang in there, this, too, shall pass, sweetie.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Bad grammar drives me crazy. My other big gripe today: people who say "supposively." Ugh.

2:24 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

Double negatives and the OVERuse of the word "like" drives me batty. Oh, and someone I work constantly refers to herself as "the english major." Now, why would you do that?

4:09 PM  

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