I'm not here for you, man. I don't care about your crime
We have confirmation: Lil J is getting teeth! J was playing with him last night and helping him put this little plastic toy in his mouth (but, trust me, it's bigger than a toilet paper roll so he can't swallow it...unlike the little plastic flower I was letting him chew yesterday that he stuck entirely into his mouth, started gagging and consequently threw us into hysterics...whee!), and he heard a "click." So we felt his gums, and you can feel at least two teeth breaking through his bottom gum. Neat! I was starting to wonder if he was ever going to be able to make the "th" sound. Now I can rest easy that he will one day be able to say "THank you, Mom, for taking care of me when I was a baby and getting up so often at night THat you drove dangerously in traffic, were tempted to THrow forks at Dad every morning and once almost kicked a kitten." That will be gratifying.
Yeah for Lil J! Maybe that had something to do with all the night waking too!
Yes, it's all starting to make sense now. Poor kid. He's had a rough couple months, I'm telling you.
Yay for Lil J! Boo for you. Harrison only bit me once or twice, but.... YOUCH! Does that hurt. :)
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