Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great gravy!

Things seem to be improving with Lil J's sickness, so we're grateful for that. His temperature isn't near as high as it was on Monday and Tuesday. Unfortunately, it's still around 100, so the pediatrician wants me to call the ENT today to talk to him. And every time I have to make one of these phone calls, I start mentally packing to stay in the hospital for four days. I've got to stop doing that. The power of positive thinking!

We took Lil J out for a car ride last night because he finds it relaxing (although how he manages to relax while J drives, I'll never understand. Zing!), so we drove around some neighborhoods looking for houses. It totally seems like the houses we can afford are complete junk, and the ones we like (and are actually made of something more sturdy than cardboard) are about $30,000 more expensive than we can really spend. How does that happen? Is this some sort of conspiracy to make us live beyond our means? Should we make J get a second job? Will I have to sell a kidney to live in a nice house? Cause I like my kidneys right where they are, thank you very much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how people do it... friends of ours bought a house that was close to $500,000 and they only have one income - and I can guarantee you that one income isn't $200,000 !!!

I would have thought you would be having better luck with the current market though... a lot of foreclosures, etc.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad he's getting better. There is nothing more sad then a sick child.
Where are you looking for a new house?

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read something horrible about what foreclosure people are leaving behind in their homes. But if you have the time and patience you might be able to find a decent foreclosed home.

I'm glad he's better but that temp needs to keep going down!

9:52 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

We've thought about looking at foreclosed homes, but, yeah, the condition of those seems really bad when we've driven by them. That's a shame.

Lil J seemed pretty cool at lunch, thankfully. It might be just the ibuprofen, but he seemed a lot happier, too.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kinda meant people selling their homes before they got to the foreclosure part ... I don't want Ann living in squalor!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Maybe I SHOULD try living in squalor. Then the slightly substandard homes we can afford wouldn't seem so bad...

3:40 PM  

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