Wednesday, August 06, 2008

On top of spaghetti

I have some questions today. Can the mother of an 8-month-old still get postpartum depression? Or is that just called "depression?" Can an 8-month-old actually have insomnia? Why else would a baby be up and wired since 3:30 in the morning? Is it withdrawal from his medicine? Is he deliberately trying to drive mommy and daddy to the asylum? Is this heavy, sharp pain in my chest simply stress, or am I having a heart attack? Where in my medicine cabinet....[Mom fell asleep while typing. I am going to go eat a fly. Sincerely, Wubbiss]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Mommy and Daddy!

Other than the insomnia... how is lil J doing? Is his breathing getting better?

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Yeah, his breathing is actually very good, which is a relief. We stop giving him the steroids this weekend, so we're hoping everything is still ok after that. But so far, so good!!

8:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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8:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

From one sleep deprived mother to another...everyday they get older and they'll figure it out! I seriously hope you're home right now, or at least you have a coffee IV. I actually pondered drinking coffee yesterday. ..I might drink it today.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Come over to the dark side, Jamie. I've already had two cups of coffee today and am contemplating a third. UGH.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PPD can occur through the first year. I have a friend who was on meds for a few months and was able to be weaned easily. Don't be afraid to talk about it, or have it checked out.

Good Luck, I'm happy to hear Lil' J's breathing better!!

9:27 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I am so sorry you and lil J are not sleeping! That is so hard! Hang in there, this too shall pass...I started that mantra early and STILL have to say it sometimes! :)

10:58 AM  

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