Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Be afraid. Be very afraid

I should have known something was up with Lil J yesterday when he was sitting at the table for dinner and only had his cereal and half a container of baby food. That right there should have told me something was up. Plus, he was really tired yesterday and had a little cough, but I was still thinking that it was coming off the medications that was causing all that. Boy, was I wrong. He was up at 1 last night, and I could tell he was a little warm, but having my gift for denial, I figured he'd get better. Then at 4, he woke up again, I picked him up, and he felt like a furnace. Turned out he had a temperature of 103.1. J just took him to the pediatrician, and it turns out it's probably just a mild virus, but we still have to keep an eye on his temperature because if it spikes or keeps going up and down, we have to get him back to the doctors. I was going to post about the Olympics and how I'm reading Twilight, but now all I want to do is keep hitting myself for being so stupid and then hope that the beating makes me go back to sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't beat yourself up... a little fever is actually a good thing- it is the body's reaction to fighting the infection.

Logan just had something... he had a fever for a day and then the next day he was fine again. Maybe something is going around?

He isn't extra poopy is he? Because there has been a stomach thing going around here...

9:32 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

It's weird because I can't think of a single sick person Lil J has been around the last few days. Maybe this virus is his own, unique thing. But now I'm feeling grateful that at least he's not extra poopy :)

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no reason for you to beat yourself up. This is how you learn to spot this kind of stuff. Don't meds tend to mask symptoms of other things sometimes?

9:56 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I second and third the "don't beat yourself up!" This IS how we learn! Is he feeling better?

10:30 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Just got a call from J. Lil J's fever is back up and he's not eating. I'm glad I can go home for lunch and see him.

11:18 AM  

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