Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbor

Just in the past week, Lil J has become much more mobile...and I mean that in the scariest way possible. His new favorite activity is waiting until we've turned our backs for 5 seconds, swiftly belly crawling to the stairs and climbing up them by himself. And, let me tell you something, this kid is quick. He can get up all 13 stairs in about a minute. It is TERRIFYING. And then last night, I aged 10 years because he was nursing and somehow managed to stand up, fall off the chair and bonk his head on the dresser all within 3 seconds. Well, that's how it felt anyway. I'm trying to remember exactly how it happened, but it was so fast, I really have no idea. I felt terrible about it though since I was supposed to be holding him. He has quite the purple goose egg on his forehead today, poor little guy. He seems ok health-wise, but, man, was he upset last night. And it makes total sense. His forehead actually hit the hardware on the dresser, not just the drawer itself. That had to hurt. Do you think it would be weirdly overprotective of me to wrap him up in marshmallows and twine every day? Until he's 24?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accidents happen so quick even if you are right on top of them! Logan is 15 months and I already have too many stories I could tell you!

P.S. Shake it like a polaroid picture!

10:29 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I was so scared. I thought he had a skull fracture or a concussion. My boss just told me that as long as bumps on the head come outward and swell up, that's a good sign. Good to know.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeyyyy Yaaaa!

I would love to see him wrapped up in marshmallows and twine. I bet that would work wonders on his social life too when he's older.

I've heard that about bumps on the head too. That is good news.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

At any point in my life, I would have been very drawn to anyone wearing marshmallows, that's for sure. Especially in wintertime when I'm drinking hot chocolate.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're at the "no fear" walking stage... that's not so much fun either! EC believes that as long as she can see a place, she can physically get there. Doesn't matter if there are steps in the way! Couple of close calls!

And if something does happen, she's already giving me that look of- Mom, why did you let that happen to me?

I fear that I can't win either way.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Harrison was like that with the stairs, too - one day he just charged up them without warning. It scared the life out of me. Then he made a beeline for them every time we turned our backs, until we found an appropriately sized baby gate to put there.

And just today he demonstrated the he's figured out how to work the majority of the baby gates we have installed in the house. =:O Luckily the one at the top of the stairs is different than the rest and difficult for most adults to work.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

My little brother knocked a huge gash into his gums when he started crawling up the stairs. Then, he fell into the corner of the bottom step... with his EYE! His eye was fine, but it looked like he was being abused because it happened all in the same day!

12:48 PM  

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