Thursday, October 16, 2008

This no time for love, Dr. Jones

I do not watch Presidential debates anymore with the expectation that I'll get any real answers about the issues. Seriously, if I wanted to hear two people snipe at each other about politics for two hours, I'd say the words "energy independence" around J and his mother then sit back and watch the sparks fly. No, I watch debates now just so I have a basis for when I watch the SNL satire of it next week. I can't wait to see what they do with the debate from last night. Whee!

And you know I don't like to get real political on the blog and all, but does anybody else wish we'd make a serious commitment to getting away from using fossil fuels and figure out some way that we could all drive flying cars that run on beer and banana peels like Doc Brown? America is supposed to be a land of innovation and freedom, but here we all are, driving our gas clunkers like a bunch of maroons. Somewhere, there has got to be some geeky genius sitting in his mom's basement who's managed to invent an engine that runs on toast. He or she is out there, I just know it. I just wish he'd stop playing Dungeon Siege long enough to get it patented and for sale on the web. There. I said it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive a Camry hybrid and my mom and dad have a Prius and a Honda Civic hybrid- we are doing our part!

9:28 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

That's awesome! When hybrids get a little cheaper, I want to get one. But I'm still holding out hope about the beer/banana car, too.

9:34 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

The guy that invented the engine for the EV-1, DID invent it in his garage... which, by the looks of him, was probably mom and dad's car. But do to the auto industry, the EV-1 did not survive long, despite it's popularity (there was a waiting list for it). You should watch the movie, "Who Killed The Electric Car" it's at the Columbus Metro Library, if you are interested. Very good!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

By the way, the EV-1 was an electric car. A really GOOD electric car... that EXISTED in real life... and WORKED. Where is that technology now? Watch the movie and find out!

12:44 PM  

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