You'll get pancakes and you'll like it
I only got to watch about a minute and a half of The Office last night, but I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it. I've been trying this week (since Lost was on, too) to record the programs and watch them the next morning before Lil J wakes up, but that scamp has figured me out and keeps waking up early. If I could read his mind, I'm quite sure he'd be saying "Silly lady. You sometimes act as though you have interests in life beyond me. Let me remedy that for you." I keep reminding myself that one day when he's 12 and is ashamed to be seen with me, I'll look back on these moments fondly. Although, I don't know, do little boys get like that in their preteen years like girls do? I seem to remember my brother dealt with peer pressure much better than I did. Whereas my sisters and I wanted to have nice clothes and fit in, my Mom would have to drag him to JCPenney and force him to buy a pair of generic jeans. You know, I'm starting to have hope that maybe those preteen years aren't going to be so bad after watch, I said that and Lil J will be riding Harleys, collecting rattlesnakes and threatening to move out when he's 9.
Ha - I liked that line from The Office too. I missed most of Lost on Wednesday, I was exhausted. But I at least watched the first hour in its entirety last night. Last year, I used to watch it the following morning while I was feeding Logan!
I used to think I wanted a boy and a girl, but the more I think about it 2 boys might be just fine!
I know I was a huge pain in the neck for my Mom when I was 14, so I'm pretty sure karma has it in for me there. Stupid karma.
Based on my observations of my brothers, I would say that boys withdraw while girls lash out. So our daughters are more likely to scream, "I hate you!" when we won't give them $200 for a butterfly tattoo, while our sons are more likely to lurk around the house like angst-riddled poltergeists who are only there to eat all the chips.
I think I could deal with a cholesterol-laden poltergeist much more easily. I'm all about withdrawing.
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