Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How do you please to these charges?

I took Lil J to Chick-fil-a yesterday so he could play on their indoor tree house, and I'm noticing a disturbing trend whenever I take him to these public indoor play areas: jerky kids. Yesterday, there were two 4-year-old girls in there at the same time, and one of them was very sweet and kind, but the other was a bossy, mean little banshee. Both girls got in the tree house (which was for kids under 3, let me just say) and when Lil J tried to say "hi" and get in there with them, the twee banshee screamed at him. So he ran over to me, and (because I had had it with that little troll) I said to her "Do not scream at him" and she actually sassed me back and said "This is OUR house," to which I replied "No, it's everyone's house." And she was fine after that, but could someone explain to me how a 4-year-old is already that bossy, territorial and mean to a child that much smaller than her? And in comparison to the other girl her age, the differences were so acute. It just really made me wonder what the she-goblin's parents have done wrong...cause I don't want to repeat them. And I'm wondering very much how her parents would have reacted if they'd heard me talk to their daughter like that. Hmmm.


Anonymous katie said...

We were at Chick-fil-a yesterday too and I didn't let Logan go in the play area because the kids that were in there at the time were just INSANE and the parents were not paying attention at all!

10:01 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I keep wondering if these parents know how awful their kids are and just don't care, or if the kids are all lying sociopaths who've fooled their parents into thinking they're angels.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Hannah Barnaby said...

I think the parents know exactly what their kids are like, but they'd rather let the kids burn off their energy on public playgrounds than keep them at home. So they take their chances and hope the kids don't actually clobber other children while they're out. There's a little boy in Lucy's playgroup at the library who refuses to sit still for any of the songs or stories. His mother spends the entire time chasing him around the room and trying (unsuccessfully) to prevent him from taking toys away from the other kids. GIVE IT UP, LADY!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Geesh, so is it mean of me to want these parents to put these kids on leashes? Is that child abuse if the kid actually needs it? Heh heh.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

On another note- can I just say how much I love Chic-fil-a? They have placmats and wipes for the kids when you use the highchairs! I love it- makes it sooo much easier when you are traveling and forget things!

1:24 PM  
Anonymous katie said...

I did not know that! I'll have to ask next time!

4:38 PM  

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