Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The low rider drives a little slower

On Sunday, we headed out to Lowe's and Target to pick up some stuff for the house. I don't know why exactly, but after walking around Lowe's for half an hour, the ol' belly started to feel really heavy and uncomfortable. So I'm limping around, trying to keep up with Lil J and wishing I'd gotten one of those belly slings for the enormously pregnant [...well, not really. If I'd really wanted one, I'd have bought it. I just can't stomach (ha!) the idea of needing a sling for my body parts unless something's actually broken. It seems...I don't know...ultra-wussy]. So as we're walking into Target after Lowe's, J saw how pitiful I looked and insisted I drive one of those motorized scooters through the store. And I was so tired that I did it. People, let me tell you something, those things are awesome! Sure, you feel silly for the first couple minutes, but after that, it's so much fun! It's like driving a golf cart in a store. Genius! It gets a little hard when you let a 16-month-old sit in your lap and he wants to keep putting it in reverse and almost mows down a couple kindergarteners, but, other than that, I would totally do it again. In fact, I wish I had one right now so I could drive to the break room and get some coffee cake.


Anonymous katie said...

You are my idol! That is a fabulous story!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I'm not even kidding either. I would buy one of those scooters and drive it everywhere if I had the money. They rule!

1:11 PM  

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