Friday, May 01, 2009

I refuse to wear clothing or jewelry with my name on it

Check this out: I've been up since 3 this morning, so I went downstairs and watched Lost, The Office and 30 Rock on the DVR until 5. I feel like I've got entertainment overload. Lost was nuts. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, so stop reading if you haven't, but is Dan really dead? That was a shocker! Never should have gone into that camp with a raised gun. They don't call them "hostiles" for nothing there, Brainiac. I didn't find The Office particularly hilarious, but 30 Rock killed me as usual. Love the Jack Donaghy, love the Liz Lemon, love the Tracy Jordan, but I kind of wish they'd cool it with the Jenna storylines. As opposed to the other characters, she's really irritating without much charm. I remember telling Hannah one time about a coworker who was both incredibly mean to people and quite offensive to the senses, and she said "Really, she ought to pick just one." I think that's a good rule of thumb. If you're going to be super-ugly, at least try to bring in cupcakes once in a while. That's all I'm saying.


Anonymous alisa said...

Apparently Daniel is dead and not in the "Lost" sense of the word either.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Really? So he's dead in the Charlotte sense of the word? But it looked like Jack was all for his plan. You can always count on Jack to believe whatever the latest weirdo has told him. What a maroon.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous katie said...

I was just thinking of my own dislike for the current Jack... I do like the way the tables turned and Sawyer (I just can't call him LaFleur) is the "leader" but Jack has just been like a wet mop lately, he barely says anything, doesn't want to be involved.

But do you think that when old Elloise says that she had to sacrifice her son, she was referencing shooting him? The time travel stuff is still messing with my head. If I were on the island I would most definitely had a nose bleed and died long ago!

11:18 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I hear you. It's way over my head, too. I assumed that's what Eloise meant with the "sacrificing" comment. But I still don't get the bigger picture. I have trouble believing this hydrogen bomb plan is going to work.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous katie said...

Yeah... is an H bomb blowing up going to be so much better than releasing the energy?

12:46 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

It sure doesn't sound like a better plan.

1:17 PM  

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