Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The source of the Nile is in Abyssinia

J and I have this routine where he drops me off at the gym after work, goes home, then comes back and picks me up when I'm done. The other day, we were in his truck on the way to the gym, and he got the idea that what we should do is buy me a scooter (because I love scooters and want one in the worst way) so I can drive the scooter to the gym. And then when I'm done working out, he can bring the truck over, and I can drive the scooter up into the bed a la Knight Rider, and off we go. I got the mental image of me zooming my scooter up into the bed of the truck while it's driving down the street, and my one thought was "SWEET."

I watched all of Sense and Sensibility on TCM last night. Ahhh, such a good movie. One summer while I was in college, I got on a Jane Austen kick and read all her books in about a month (which really isn't hard because she only wrote, like, seven). But that, my friends, is why I am a nerd. Instead of going out and drinking until I puked and sleeping until noon, I was up at 7 every morning reading English classics. Dork!


Blogger Ann said...

I know! Doesn't that sound like fun? We should all get Vespas and form a gang. And think of the money we'll save on gas. It's a win-win!

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Rho Rho Rho... I forgot about that... but I agree, the Vespa gang could be the RRR's grown up.

8:43 AM  

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