Friday, April 28, 2006

Not that I won't eat half a Donato's pizza. I'm just saying.

Oh my word, The Office was funny last night. I love shows that actually make me laugh out loud like that. When Jim was interrogating Dwight in the conference room, I just lost it. Ahhh, comic gold. When Jim and Pam were talking about buying a Coke, I noticed he gave her a dollar for the 12-ounce can. Wow. We're paying a dollar (or close to it) for a can of pop now. I remember when cans out of a machine were 45 cents. Of course, that was back in the day before we got the individual-sized plastic bottles that I REFUSE to pay $1.25 for. Think about it: you can get a 2-liter of pop for a dollar. Why are we paying $1.25 for one 20-ounce bottle?!? Don't give in, people!

This is further proof of my theory that the reason Americans are getting so much fatter is mainly due to larger serving sizes. Listen, when we were kids, you went to McDonald's and the biggest thing you could get was a Big Mac, a large drink (which is a medium now) and a large fries (which, again, is a medium now). There was no super size. There was no 36-ounce bucket of Coke. And, for the love of Pete, there was no double quarter pounder. Why don't they just call that a half pounder??? It makes no sense!

Anyway, I remember this one study I learned about in college where psychologists gave students a bowl of soup to eat. Half the students had just a normal bowl of soup, but the other half had a bowl that was connected to a tube that kept feeding soup into the bowl. And those kids just kept eating and eating. Their eyes tricked their stomach. And I think that's the problem now. Americans think a XL pizza is normal, a 2-pound steak is typical and a Coke the size of my thigh is usual. We need to try to get back to eating normal portions again. Fight the power!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann, i agree, why DON'T they just call it a half pounder? But, that doesn't sound very appealing to me, just as UNappealing as those bigass burgers at Hardees they are selling now. Not a Hardees fan at all but that's not the point, is it?
We still pay .50 for soda/pop/coke, whatever we call it down here.
I also agree with you on the portion sizes...that, along with tvs and video games EVERYWHERE makes kids fat. I just don't agree with tv/dvd's being in the car.
Have you seen "honey, we're killing the kids" on TLC? Priceless.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I need to watch Super Size Me. And, Beth, I'm totally with you on tvs/dvds being everywhere. I never had any of that stuff in my room growing up, and I think now that it was a good thing. Heck, when I was a kid we only had one tv and no cable. Man, that was so long ago!!
How big are the Hardee's burgers getting anyway? We don't get Hardee's commercials up here. Do they still have that Big Montana monstrosity?
Oh, and I'm jealous you both still only pay 50 cents for pop. You stink! :)

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ann- where are you going on vacation?

sorry, out of the office for a few days so i'm out of the loop.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Ann said...


7:44 AM  

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