Sunday, May 21, 2006

Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

Arisa sent us the coolest anniversary package the other night. Among other cool things, she included a mix CD of some nostalgic early 90's rap songs. By the time we were done listening to it, I had shaken my rump, busted a move and jumped up, jumped up and got down. Awesome.

We went out for our anniversary last night to this delightful Italian restaurant called Brio. They have the best cheesecake. Man, it was good. I was also extremely entertained by all the prom kids we saw there. The girls all looked quite lovely and in massive amounts of pain from their uncomfortable shoes. We also saw a bachelorette party that was pretty disappointing because they weren't drunk yet so therefore pretty dull. And we were seated beside a table of four young men who wore their sunglasses for pretty much their entire dinner. We were trying to figure out if they were high or famous. Although they did laugh a lot, turns out they were probably neither and were just a bunch of punks trying to act cool. What a letdown.


Blogger Ann said...

Yep, he is much improved. I think he's still got a touch of congestion, but he's almost 100%.

8:44 AM  

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