Thursday, July 13, 2006

War! Hunh! Good God, what is it good for?

Ummm, is anybody else getting a little nervous about what's going on with Israel in the Middle East? How they're now bombing Lebanon because they say the Palestinians are attacking them from there? And the Palestinians in Gaza have no water or power and are running out of food because their militants are kidnapping Israeli soldiers? I hate to overreact, but I'm starting to wonder if now would be the time to pack up my sparklies and head to my compound in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Cause this whole Middle East area is sounding like there's a whole lot of war going on even though nobody wants to actually call it that. You can call it "unrest" all you want, but that's a war, people. "Unrest" is what you feel when you're stuck inside on a rainy day with a cat that has explosive diarrhea...that's not exactly the same as getting hit in the head with a ballistic missile when you're on your balcony drinking your morning coffee. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that diplomacy and reason prevail, but if you don't hear from me for a couple days, I'm in a tent in northern Ohio with a month's worth of Sudoku puzzles, is all I'm saying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, sister!
All of the coverage is so politically correct and/or watered down that I never feel like I really know is what is going on. What does surprise me, is that on the national news, you get a daily body count of how many people were killed that day...has that been done before?
I can't play Sudoku, it hurts my brain.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I hear you. I don't think they're letting us see just how awful it is for the people living in Israel, Gaza and Iraq at all.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is might be the 'watered down' news that is making me rather blaze about north korea setting off nuclear missiles for the fun of it.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Yeah, and I'm sure since these countries are so far away, it's hard to get real worried about it all the way over here. That Israel thing bugs me though. I really don't want to get drawn into that. I'm reminded of the Princess Bride: "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" except just replace it with "Middle East."

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you realize that the Middle East is nowhere near the Midwest. So, you should be okay.


4:34 PM  

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