Monday, July 10, 2006

White on white crime

So Sunday morning saw another round of sectarian violence on my street. It wasn't actually sectarian...I've just gotten used to hearing that in the news reports on Iraq. Picture it: about 5 a.m. yesterday, we wake up to the sound of our neighbor across the street's son bashing in a car's windows. He was actually out there with a baseball bat knocking out the windows. But he was doing it because he'd gotten up to go to the bathroom and found two guys robbing his dad's garage behind their house. He had tried to chase them down, but they got away, and on his way back to the house, he saw their car parked on the street, and it was full of all their stuff from the garage. So he was understandably mad and, of course, reached for the nearest blunt object. Well, our neighbors got their stuff out of the car, but then half an hour later or so, apparently the thieves came back, saw what happened to the car, got into a van and drove up to our neighbor's house and STARTED SHOOTING!! They actually shot at our neighbor standing in his driveway!! Nobody was hurt, but a maple tree suffered multiple gunshot wounds. The police came and found more stolen goods in the car along with two rocks of crack and a bag full of bullets. Nice, huh? I'm so glad our neighbor wasn't hurt. And I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that these thieves were offended that someone had busted open their car to retrieve what these jackholes had stolen from them. But, as J tells me, this is how crackheads think. Buncha animals.


Blogger + Kazzx + said...

Hi Ann,

I arrive in your blog walking in the blogsfere, i live in São Paulo - Brasil and the violence in there is alarming, this problem is the gangs in the jails that control the crime in the streets.

I like of your blog, congratulation from Brasil...

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



8:55 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

What's funny is that normally our street doesn't get a lot of this shooting-type stuff. We have drug problems and general mayhem, but this is the first time someone I know's been shot at. The good thing is that one of the thieves dropped his ID on our neighbor's lawn, so the police know who did it and our neighbor can identify him as the shooter. Just nuts, the whole thing.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you have stupid criminals in your neighborhood...

Please move. Please.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann, get out, get out now.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I hear all your advice to move, but I just want to make it crystal clear that I was not personally in the line of fire. I'm not saying I live in Candyland, but I also want to reassure everyone that at no time will I be bashing in anyone's car windows. I'm keeping my head down and my nose clean.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do you know what the good side of crack is? If you're up at the right hour, you can get a VCR for $1.50. You can furnish your whole house for $10.95." - cHRIS rOCK

2:25 PM  

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