Friday, September 15, 2006

Belgian Dip

I had to go to the grocery store last night after working out because we needed some actual essentials like bread and milk. Generally, I try not to go to that Kroger by myself at night because it's a trifle sketchy, so I get all paranoid, and I end up skittering through the aisles, clutching my purse and having my keys ready to poke would-be attackers' eyes out. And because I'm so worried, I always forget something. So it's just easier to go during the day. But I noticed last night that I'm guessing a good 40-45% of the people there were high (and, yes, I'm including the workers in that figure). I was in the self-checkout line, and it seemed as though half the people were only buying frozen pizzas, bags of Doritos and glazed donuts. Drugs are such a boon for the snack food industry. You know, if I were a Dr. Evil-type person, I'd buy a ton of stock in Snickers and then put THC in the water supply. You could definitely make enough money to take over the world doing that...not that I ever would..heh heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A whole grocery store of people with the munchies, eh? That is dangerous in itself!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I'm amazed I got out of there alive.

10:12 AM  

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