Monday, April 16, 2007

Farley farley farley hffffhrrrr

I wish I could figure out what Avril Lavigne is so angry about. She's been rich and famous since she was a teenager, she's married, she's cute, so why all the pouting and screaming? Kids these days.

You know how I mentioned a few weeks back that J's 19-year-old niece got married? Her mom told us this weekend that when our niece and her husband moved into their new apartment, their first two purchases were a couch (understandably) and an $800 wide-screen tv. Dang. The Army must be paying really well these days. I'm 32 and have been working full-time for about 10 years, and I still have my old 19-inch tv that my Dad handed me down in grad school. But I realized a while ago that I'm just not into tech purchases like a lot of people. I don't have an ipod, a stereo, digital camera or my own computer. Heck, last time I bought a CD was around 1997, I'd hazard a guess. The one techie thing I own is my cell phone. I love that it takes pictures and has a jaunty ring. But I refuse to get attached to it, because I know eventually it'll wind up in a lake or toilet and will have to be replaced. At least an $800 tv can't just fall into a toilet. So that's nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That title is from a steve martin movie isn't it? I wanna say "all of me" is that right?

I feel like Mike and I make a pretty good living and he's really good with money- saving, investing etc. So it always bugs me when someone we know who I KNOW is not good with money gets a crazy big TV, have their kitchen redone- those kind of things. I'm pretty sure those people are in a lot of debt, yeah that's it...

11:15 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Yeah, I agree. If you've already set aside money for investments, saving and the necessities, and you still have money left over, sure, go buy a huge tv. But if you haven't paid bills yet, I don't think it's such a great idea. But some people always seem to want to have the biggest, baddest electronics. I don't get it. I'd much rather have cool pants.

1:24 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

i would much rather have cool pants...and shoes, too! I think our generation is the last to not rely so much on all of this stuff. Do love my cell phone, though, and now that I know how to IM (instant message), have to admit I love it, too. Don't really care about a big ass TV, though.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know, I feel so old, but they all seem like such unnecessary expenses. And seriously, if you have the extra money, it's one thing. But I've heard of students around here not buying textbooks so they can afford ipods. That's just dumb.

3:15 PM  

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